วันพุธที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

iboot hackintosh



วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554


Dioxins are produced in small concentrations when organic material is burned in the presence of chlorine, whether the chlorine is present as chloride ions or as organochlorine compounds, so they are widely produced in many contexts. According to the most recent US EPA data, the major sources of dioxins are broadly in the following types:[16]

Halon 1301

Plasma arc destruction method

Because Halon is a CFC, production of new Halon ceased in 1994. There is no cost effective means of safely and effectively disposing of the Halon. Therefore, recycling and reusing the existing supply intelligently and responsibly to protect lives and property is the wisest solution.

The EPA regulation further requires that Halon itself can only be disposed of by:

Sending the Halon for recycling to a facility operating in accordance with the NFPA standards mentioned above, orArranging for its destruction by a destruction process that meets relevant regulations (82.270(e)).

There are six processes that have been identified as suitable for destruction by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. These are (1) liquid injection incineration, (2) reactor cracking, (3) gaseous/fume oxidation, (4) rotary kiln incineration, (5) cement kiln, and (6) radiofrequency plasma destruction. In addition, destruction technologies that achieve destruction efficiencies of 98 percent or greater may be approved by EPA.


(e) Effective April 6, 1998, no person

shall dispose of halon except by sending

it for recycling to a recycler operating

in accordance with NFPA 10 and

NFPA 12A standards, or by arranging

for its destruction using one of the following

controlled processes:

(1) Liquid injection incineration;

(2) Reactor cracking;

(3) Gaseous/fume oxidation;

(4) Rotary kiln incineration;

(5) Cement kiln;

(6) Radiofrequency plasma destruction;


(7) An EPA-approved destruction

technology that achieves a destruction

efficiency of 98% or greater.

(f) Effective April 6, 1998, no owner of

halon-containing equipment shall

allow halon release to occur as a result

of failure to maintain such equipment.

Halon is disposed of by heat degradation using specialised technology, developed in Australia by the CSIRO and SRL Plasma Pty Ltd. The report CMPS&F - Environment Australia - Appropriate Technologies for the Treatment of Scheduled Wastes - Review Report Number 4 - November 1997: 13. Plasma Arc Systems contains a comparative assessment of waste disposal technologies.

Further information, including process overview and a case study on the National Halon Bank can be found on the SRL PLasma website.

The PLASCON process involves injecting the halon directly into a plasma arc, quenching the resulting gas with caustic soda and disposing of the brine.

The process does not involve burning, or oxidation, rather the molecules are destroyed and the halon returns to its constituent atoms. There is therefore no formation of dioxins or furans.

This brine solution is disposed of under licence for treatment by City West Water.

The PLASCON process achieves a destruction efficiency of 99.9999% for halon and other chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons.
Waste halon to useful plastics

Halons, which were widely used in fire extinguishers and explosion suppression systems, have an extremely high potential for ozone depletion - they are ten times more potent than chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - and they also act as a global warming agent - three and a half thousand times as potent as carbon dioxide (CO2). The use of halons is steadily reducing across the globe in response to the Montreal Protocol, but there are now large stockpiles of halon that need to be disposed of.

Destruction of halons can be achieved in many different ways, including with plasma arc technology like that used at Australia's National Halon Bank. Although these technologies are effective, the destruction of halons is expensive and energy intensive.

What if, instead of being destroyed, halon could be converted into useful products? What if, instead of breaking all the strong chemical bonds in halon, the useful bonds could be kept, making it a much more energy efficient process and producing something useful into the bargain?

This is exactly what researchers from the University of Newcastle are investigating with support from the Australian Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts and the United States Environment Protection Authority. Professors Eric Kennedy and Bogdan Dlugogorski of the University of Newcastle have been developing a process, which converts halons into vinylidene difluoride (VDF), one of the building blocks of various types of plastics. These plastics are extremely resistant to heat, electricity, flames, ultraviolet (UV) light and chemicals which makes them useful as electrical insulation in computers, aircraft wiring, as seals on bottles containing dangerous chemicals and to use in the production of UV light resistant windows.

There are four main units in the process being researched at the University of Newcastle. Basically though, halon goes in one end and VDF comes out at the other end!

Schematic of the four process units.

A machine that can convert up to 3-tonnes of halon per day is currently under construction in Newcastle to test this process at a commercial scale. In the future, further research will be undertaken to test this process on other types of wastes, including other environmentally unfriendly ozone depleting substances (ODS) and synthetic greenhouse gases (SGGs).

Synthetic greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Compounds such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) can have high global warming potentials (GWP), several thousands of times that of CO2 and long atmospheric lifetimes. In their current work, the researchers are examining the possibility of adapting their halon and CFC process to also treat PFCs and HFCs. Their initial experimental work looks promising, though more work needs to be undertaken to develop this new application of their halon treatment technology. This innovative Australian research also has promising implications internationally.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554


Run cmd as administrator on windows 7
Now instead of hitting the Enter key, use Ctrl+Shift + Enter. You will be prompted with the obnoxious User Account Control dialog… but it will then open up a command prompt in Administrator mode.

For 32-bit Windows OS:

sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= "C:\Program Files\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s" depend= "Bonjour Service" start= auto

sc.exe start AirPrint